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Fundraising appeal - we are over half way!

We need your help

A message from our President

Dear Mansfield Community.

We are excited to announce that construction of the first stage the Mansfield Heritage Museum has been completed.

The building is at lock up stage and it is looking as good as we had hoped- drop by the Station platform for a look.

The Historical Society however still needs more financial support to finish the project which I explain in detail further down this message.

Where we are with the Museum project and what happens next?

Stage one was supervised by the Shire of Mansfield with a local building company (Hennessey’s) constructing the building. It was designed by Taylor Consulting Engineers also located in Mansfield.

Stage two of the project will be next which is to fit out internal walls landscaping and necessary infrastructure.

It is very significant and exciting that when the internals are completed, the Mansfield Visitors Centre will be relocating to the Museum. This will combine the energy of the two operations and attract even more visitors to the complex.

The final stage of the project is the one that the Historical Society is heavily involved with and responsible for.

We are going to build world class exhibits worthy of the Mansfield district and its people. To do this we must go to the community and again ask them to consider donating towards design and build the exhibits

Earlier this year we reached out to the community. We were seeking support for our appeal for a further $600,000 to professionally develop interpretative and educational facilities, and design and install the exhibits in the new building.

I can now report we are half way towards raising the required  $600.000.00, however we must raise another $300,000 to get the job done. 

The backstory to the exhibits:

We plan that the exhibits will use the latest techniques to tell the story of Mansfield's proud history and culture including a significant display of local fish fossils going back to the start of time and the Taungurung first people’s story. The more recent history and pioneering feats connected to High Country grazing, timber, gold and tourism which built our district will also be featured. To this end we have had assistance and are taking advice from Museum Victoria.

The Historical Society is the guardian of many precious local artifacts and we want to be able to put them on display. When completed, the Museum will attract visitors to the town and encourage them to stay longer therefore increasing business opportunities. Importantly, it will educate our children about the long and proud history of Mansfield, including its first people.

With community support we are confident we can achieve our aims with this exciting project which is our one chance to preserve and enrich our historical and cultural heritage for future generations. It will be a long-term investment for the Mansfield district. You will be aware that sadly Governments (both State and Federal) are short of money and therefore further grants are unlikely. The only way to get the Museum finished to a high standard is for the Society to ask for our local communities support. I hope you don’t mind this approach on behalf of a very important local project which will both assist to preserve local history and boost economic growth through tourism. I invite you to have a look at our video on the QR code below using your mobile  phone.

We are hoping some families may consider a bequest to the Museum in their wills. I would be very glad to call around to discuss the project and various donation options if you would like to get involved.

Yours sincerely

Graeme Stoney AM
President - Mansfield Historical Society

About the Mansfield Historical Society

The Historical Society houses a vast collection of photos, clothing, stories and equipment from a bygone era, that has been donated and bequeathed from Mansfield families and individuals. They are also the custodians of over 1200 family files which include photographs which currently are in the process of being digitised. “We have family members who come in to discover pictures of their relatives that they’ve never seen before,” said curator – Ann Ware.

The Mansfield Historical Society volunteers work tirelessly to capture, research and record our history. One of the current research projects includes the provenance of a buggy believed to be connected to the Widow of Wappan, Anne Bon (1838-1936) – pastoralist, philanthropist and advocate for Aboriginal people.

Currently this collection of Mansfield’s history is housed in numerous storage facilities scattered around the district, out of sight. Recently a significantly important local collection was lost due to lack of storage and now these historical and valuable artifacts of yesteryear will be scattered across the countryside and lost forever instead of remaining intact in Mansfield as part of our unique heritage.

MHS has been building a case for many years for the funding of a new Mansfield Heritage Museum (MHM) which will form a key part of the new Mansfield Shire Precinct Project and the new home of the Historical Society

In 2022 funding of approximately $1.5M was obtained with the help of Mansfield Shire Council and the local community to enable MHS to build the new MHM (building shell to lockup) which has been completed.

MHS needs to raise a further $600K – $1M to fund the design of world class exhibits.

Our district has a rich history in farming, timber and gold, with wonderful stories of prominent families, successes and losses, crime, murder, war and mayhem just waiting to be discovered.

The Process

Now: the museum is at lock up stage.

Second stage: to complete the interior and outside landscaping.  The Mansfield Shire has applied for a federal  grant for this work. At this stage funding has been promised.

Final stage: the design and construction of the many exhibits. This is where your donation will be well used. We have exhibits of national and international interest.

To Learn more about this exciting project watch this short video presentation