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Mansfield Mountain Country Cookery
Mansfield Mountain Country Cookbook
A selection of country recipes, food prep, old fashioned remedy's and handy kitchen hints with a dash of humour !
Drawings by Peg Martin & Alex Graves
56 Pages - A5 Printed
149mm x 209mm x 4mm
12.00 12.0 AUD
A Taste of Mansfield
A Taste of Mansfield
A collection of contemporary and classic recipes

This collection of recipes has been gathered from members of the Mansfield Community.
The original sources are often forgotten, but for those who have passed them on, they are all tried and true.
The Bindaree Ladies Auxiliary wishes to thank the many people who have made donations, contributed recipes and given support in publishing this book.

112 Pages - Ring Bound
146mm x 210mm x 7mm
12.00 12.0 AUD