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Mansfield Valley 150 Years
Mansfield Valley 150 years In this abbreviated history of some of the more interesting events and of the profiles of some notable personalities, the author capably reminds us of how in the short period of 150 years or so, we have progressed so far. This was mainly due to the foresight and desire for improvement, and of persistence, during demanding times, of so many people of such high calibre, that our debt to them is enormous and our respect sincere.
The continuous efforts of many devoted and enterprising people will assure us that we, and future generations, will be privileged to continue to enjoy what this delightful area has to offer, and to be aware of bygone times. 1993

Pages 63 = A5 Printed & Stapled
146mm x 212mm x 4mm
11.00 11.0 AUD
Mansfield Mountain Country Cookery
Mansfield Mountain Country Cookbook
A selection of country recipes, food prep, old fashioned remedy's and handy kitchen hints with a dash of humour !
Drawings by Peg Martin & Alex Graves
56 Pages - A5 Printed
149mm x 209mm x 4mm
12.00 12.0 AUD
Mansfield at Last
Mansfield at Last!
Mansfield's Railway History
Pages 29 = A5 Printed & Stapled
146mm x 212mm x 4mm
9.00 9.0 AUD
Maindample District
The early Days ..
... beginning in the 1860's
This history book has been put together to assist in raising funds for the Maindample progress Association and the Maindample Rural Fire Brigade.
Maindample Railway
Maindample and Glen Creek School
Neighboring Glen Creek
1903 Electoral Roll
Mining - Maindample and Glen Creek
Maindample Fire Brigade
Maindample Race Club
The Paps
The Kelly Story - Maindample's association

Most of the information for this publication came from the early Mansfield Newspapers including Mansfield Independent 1869-1872, The Mansfield Guardian 1872-1885 and the Mansfield Courier from 1885 onwards.
All Parish Maps Copyright © Crown ( State of Victoria)
All rights reserved. Land Victoria.
1903 Electoral Roll Australian Electoral Commission
Front Cover photograph "The Paps" a well known landmark in the Maindample District.

101 Pages
210mm x 297mm x 7mm
28.00 28.0 AUD
Living on the Tolmie Plateau
A compilation of personal stories of the families of Tolmie and surrounding communities since 1879 to present and the historic of the township over those years.

Respected businessman, Ewen Tolmie and his second wife Colina, took up pastoral leases of Dueran and Holland Creek when he returned to Australia from his homeland in Scotland in 1859.
Ewen Tolmie became a very well regarded farmer and community member in the Wombat and Mansfield region until his death in 1883. During these years, the so-called bushranger element had become an increasing problem in the Wombat Ranges, culminating in the shooting of three policemen at Stringybark Creek by the Kelly Gang in 1878. In order to rid the area of the bushrangers, the government of the time opened up the ranges for selection. Only those who passed a strict examination were granted land. The rich, deep, volcanic soil was suitable for growing a range of crops despite the cold climate and the abundance of rainfall proved attractive to many, particularly those from the dry western districts and the Mallee. Parcels of land selected were typically 320 acres. Ewen Tolmie himself took up some of the selections. So by the early 1880s the township of Wombat had been established in the heart of the Wombat Ranges.

152 pages A4 soft copy
300mmx 21mm x 13mm
28.00 28.0 AUD
100 Years of Logging
100 Years of Logging
A Family History in Verse
(with historical photo's)
Personally signed by Val Kirley.
37 pages = A4 Printed & Stapled
146mm x 212mm x 4mm
17.00 17.0 AUD
Just a Pocket for the Money
Just a Pocket for the Money
The Story of Oliver Gilpin and his Stores
Oliver Gilpin was born near Euroa in 1874. He is credited as the founder of the first major chain store business in Australia, when he opened his first drapery store in Gippsland at Korumburra. On his death, the business was taken over by Foy and Gibson, and then by G.J. Coles.

146 pages
206mm x 270mm x 11mm
66.00 66.0 AUD
Historical Aspects of Bonnie Doon
This book does not purport to be a history of Bonnie Doon and District; the time and sources available made it impossible to tackle such a task. What has been attempted rather is to present the interested reader with an overview of the most significant historical aspects of our area.
Some of the items deal with eras long since over, others concern single significant events and people which have had lasting effects on the District, still others trace the history of various bodies which have become local institutions.

Pages 94 = A5 Printed & Bound
210mm x 145mm x 7mm
20.00 20.0 AUD
High Street Traders
Pages 175 = A4 Printed & Bound
17.00 17.0 AUD
High Country Huts & Homesteads
High Country Huts and Homesteads takes you on a tour to some of Australia's most historic and best-loved mountain shelters. Ranging from simple log cabins, wooden slab cattlemen's huts, eclectic miner's dwellings to homesteads on vast alpine grazing runs, this book presents a selection of rustic buildings which have become part of our High Country heritage.
55.00 55.0 AUD
Heritage & History on My Doorstep - Tolmie
A journey back in time including past tales of Dry Creek, Tallangallook, Barjarg, Tolmie, Toombullup.

Dedicated to my Ancestors and the Early Settlers
'Sharing Their Dreams and Disappointments'
My Ambitious Project.
For a number of years I have been endeavouring to pick up threads of the past in an attempt to preserve a small patch of history.
During this period I became aware of the strong connection between the Wombat Ranges and portion of the Strathbogie Ranges therefore I ventured to weave them together.
Hopefully the resulting publication will help to convey an insight into the past.
To my friend, Pat, "Thanks for the encouragement".
© Copyright Sheila Hutchinson
"Homeleigh" Maindample 1999

159 pages A4 soft cover
300mm x 210mm x 10mm

28.00 28.0 AUD
Gold in the Shire of Mansfield
Since a great part of history is eventually lost unless committed to the printed word the writer has tried to summarise something of an era, beginning 136 years ago, when gold mining played a very signficant part in the affairs of the Shire. This outline - and it is only an outline for the ground has only been scratched - covers all areas in the Shire except the Upper Goulburn Valley, which has already been the subject of books by Brian Lloyd.

The writer's thanks are due to many people who have assisted inquiries, in particular to the staff of the Mansfield Courier for ready access to newspapers current in mining days, to Mr. Jim Cochrane and Mr. W. [Son] Fink for their fund of knowledge about local and mining history. Special thanks are due to Mr. John Griffiths of Tallangalook Pty. Ltd. * for permission to quote from his report on the Tallangallook Goldfield. His detailed researches have greatly lightened the burden of researching the complicated story of the fabled Golden Mountain.

Many others have helped locate half-forgotten mines and to resurrect something of their story and the times surrounding them: Mr. Steve Arbuthnot, Mr. Neil Black, Mr. Roy Bostock, Mr. Charles Breadon, Mr. David Cook, Mrs. Roma Crow, Mr. Jim Colechin, Mr. Bill Day, Mr. Graeme Friday, Mr. Les Halligan, Mr. Alan McMillan, Mr. Arthur Mitchell, Mr. Harry Nix, Mr. Douglas Tate, Mrs. Sandra Scott, Mr. Jim Tehan and Mr. Graeme Worsley. To all of these the writer expresses his thanks for assistance in the preservation of some fragment of history.

76 Pages
144 mm x 210mm x 7mm
17.00 17.0 AUD
Burial Sites of Mansfield
Burial Sites of Mansfield
Information detailing Lone Graves, Early Burial Sites of the district, Mansfield Cemetery & Graves of Interest. First Printed 1984
Pages 22 = A5 Printed & Stapled
22.00 22.0 AUD
Birds of Canberra & High Country
A Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of Canberra and the High Country. A comprehensive field guide to over 300 bird species found in the Australian High Country. With high quality photographs from the author and other top rated nature photographers.

This guide is suitable for beginners and experts to help identify species. Included are scientific and common names, as well as local variations. Each species is listed with: main identifying features, size, breeding, distribution, habits etc. Distribution maps within the book give a clear view of where to find any of the species.

Further information consists of: types of habitat, orders and families, bird watching sites as well as climate and topography.

336 pages
55.00 55.0 AUD
A Taste of Mansfield
A Taste of Mansfield
A collection of contemporary and classic recipes

This collection of recipes has been gathered from members of the Mansfield Community.
The original sources are often forgotten, but for those who have passed them on, they are all tried and true.
The Bindaree Ladies Auxiliary wishes to thank the many people who have made donations, contributed recipes and given support in publishing this book.

112 Pages - Ring Bound
146mm x 210mm x 7mm
12.00 12.0 AUD