Since a great part of history is eventually lost unless committed to the printed word the writer has tried to summarise something of an era, beginning 136 years ago, when gold mining played a very signficant part in the affairs of the Shire. This outline - and it is only an outline for the ground has only been scratched - covers all areas in the Shire except the Upper Goulburn Valley, which has already been the subject of books by Brian Lloyd.
The writer's thanks are due to many people who have assisted inquiries, in particular to the staff of the Mansfield Courier for ready access to newspapers current in mining days, to Mr. Jim Cochrane and Mr. W. [Son] Fink for their fund of knowledge about local and mining history. Special thanks are due to Mr. John Griffiths of Tallangalook Pty. Ltd. * for permission to quote from his report on the Tallangallook Goldfield. His detailed researches have greatly lightened the burden of researching the complicated story of the fabled Golden Mountain.
Many others have helped locate half-forgotten mines and to resurrect something of their story and the times surrounding them: Mr. Steve Arbuthnot, Mr. Neil Black, Mr. Roy Bostock, Mr. Charles Breadon, Mr. David Cook, Mrs. Roma Crow, Mr. Jim Colechin, Mr. Bill Day, Mr. Graeme Friday, Mr. Les Halligan, Mr. Alan McMillan, Mr. Arthur Mitchell, Mr. Harry Nix, Mr. Douglas Tate, Mrs. Sandra Scott, Mr. Jim Tehan and Mr. Graeme Worsley. To all of these the writer expresses his thanks for assistance in the preservation of some fragment of history.
76 Pages
144 mm x 210mm x 7mm